
trading for success

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For your Agency
Over 250 Agencies use
Readpeak’s DSP for building effective native campaigns for their clients
Readpeak - native advertising
Readpeak’s DSP  is designed to optimize programmatic native advertising campaigns. The combination of in-built optimization tools and machine learning engines with the best publishers as well as a clear and fast UX will help you hit targets in your native advertising campaigns.
For these reasons, more than 2000 native campaigns are published through Readpeak on the best news sites every year.


Create native advertising campaigns quickly, smartly and stylishly for your clients. “The best UX we’ve seen on the market.”


Get all your premium programmatic inventory from one platform. Additionally, we offer over 100 million unique views in premium inventory, that you can only reach through Readpeak’s DSP.


Choose exactly which premium news sites to show your ad campaign on, and get the best results with automatic bidding and budget optimization.


RTB auction (second price) with CPC prices gives you complete control of the amount and price of your site’s traffic.


See all of your campaign data in real time. You can also move collected data to other platforms such as Adform, Double Click, DPM platforms or Google Data Studio. You will have access to all of the advertising campaign’s raw data.


A-B automatically tests different versions of an ad and ad groups. With the automatic optimisation of our platform, you can achieve the best performance, which produces up to a 250%* increase in CTR.
*Readpeak Oy's original research. Analysis and opinions are Readpeak Oy’s own.

Be smarter and harness the power of the platform

Use Conversion Tracking

Enable conversion tracking and follow which news sites, ads, and ad groups are performing the best. You can also track CPA and conversion rates in real time.

Follow Reading Times

Track exact reading times in the campaign dashboard and see which news sites, ads, and ad groups have the most optimal reading times.

Target Data by Audience

Target specific audience segments to get the best results and let our algorithms do the work for you.

Target a City to the Nearest Kilometre

With precise geo-targeting, you can achieve even better results and run local ad campaigns.

Automatic Connection to Google Analytics

Automatically link your campaign to your client's Google Analytics with dynamic UTM links.

Build Remarketing Campaigns Quickly

Through Readpeak, you can create smart remarketing campaigns for your customers. Target a campaign to audiences who have visited specific pages, clicked on previous campaigns, or converted to specific goals.

Readpeak - native advertising

How do we get started?

Your Team

The Readpeak platform for agencies is designed for your team. You can invite programmatic teams, digital teams, and creative teams to collaborate on the platform. You can also give customers access to track their own ad campaigns and define what information you share with them.


Use of Readpeak DSP is free for agencies. We bill agencies once a month based on the actual budget spent of the previous month's client campaigns. Prefer to pay by credit card? No problem. We have a built-in credit card solution.


Our support team is both fast and knowledgeable, able to help with both platform and campaign issues. We can also consult on media selections, etc., before customer meetings.

The fastest way to get support is through our built-in chat.

Demo meeting

One of the best ways to get started is to book a free demo meeting with us, where we will share inspiring case stories, present the platform and share the best native advertising strategies at the moment.

Book a Demo with us at:
or +358 40 653 9996
readpeak - native annonsering

Smart Native  DSP Directs quality traffic to your site
Converts visitors 
 into customers

Register your agency free of charge

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