Campaign: BMW always on

Office: Amplifi, Dentsu

Period: August 2020

Readers: 20,355

Format: 3 campaign pages/6 ad versions

Top performing sites: Dagens Industri, Affärsvärlden, Göteborgs-Posten,, Nyteknik, Allt för föräldrar

Objective: High quality and optimised visitor traffic

Average CTR: 0.72%

Average CPC: 2.13 SEK

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The power of Native Advertising at its best!

BMW works successfully with native advertising combining always-on material with campaign-specific articles. In this case, it was an always-on campaign with three different messages aimed at reaching the target audience.

BMW's campaign was on Dagens Industri and on its own landing page at

Material and Media Choices

The campaign selected three different articles that appealed to a wide target audience, but contained perspectives that addressed specific target groups of car enthusiasts.

By choosing high-quality sites along with smaller specialty niche sites, the campaign had a wide scope and reached the right target group.

The top performing sites: Dagens Industri, Affärsvärlden,, Göteborgs-Posten, Nyteknik, Allt för föräldra

Here are some examples of successful native ads:

9 Common Myths About Electric Cars

The best version of the first article had an average CTR of 1.45% and in the best environment had a CTR of 5.81%. Thanks to software optimisation, the CPC for each click on the article was 6.2 times lower than the market average.

Is the Production of Electric Car Batteries Environmentally Friendly?

The best version of the second article had an average CTR of 0.65% and in the best environment had a CTR of 4.37%. In the best media environment, the article’s CPC was up to 8.1 times lower than the market average.

The Rechargeable Car of the Future Has 600 Horsepower

The best version of the third article had an average CTR of 0.58% and in its best environment 5.01%. In the best media environment, the CPC of the article was up to 9.1 times lower than the market average.

With the help of the Readpeak platform, we have seen very good results for BMW. CTR and CPC have been top notch!

Gabriel Dal - Amplifi, Dentsu


A fantastic result! BMW is a strong brand and incredibly fun to work with. The content is often well-produced and created to engage.

That the result would end up at these levels is still unique.


Campaign’s average CTR: 0.72%

Best CTR at site level: 5.01%

Campaign’s average CPC: 2.13 SEK

Top optimised CPC at site level: 0.80 SEK (7946 clicks)


In summary, the campaign was a success in which all parties contributed in the best way. The campaign went “by the book” with content and technology optimally interacting together along with good collaboration among the parties involved. We look forward to continuing to work with BMW’s content and pushing the boundaries of what is possible with native programmatic advertising.

 Readpeak  is a platform to reach your  target audience through  native advertising 

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