How Voyah electrified the Norwegian market with Readpeak
Voyah’s European expansion plans: First stop, Norway!
In February 2022, Voyah announced its entry into the European market with the first stop in Norway, which makes it the fastest Chinese high-end new energy car brand to go overseas. Voyah, for the last 6 months, has relied on Dentsu Norway for the advertising and marketing plans. Dentsu is one of the largest global marketing and advertising agency networks and one of the leading agencies in Norway.
The agency is one of the 3000+ Readpeak users, so when they decided to add native advertising into the media strategy, after testing native in several media and platforms and while measuring the response and engagement between the different set-ups, Readpeak became their first choice through programmatic advertising, as the platform is simple, intuitive and a great native platform which makes the optimization work easy and time effective.
Native and content has been a very important part of the media strategy for Voyah to drive traffic to their website. The content they have used is based on customer experiences from those who have bought a Voyah FREE since it entered the Norwegian market. Further, the strategy aimed to inspire the target audience with native ads that triggered a response in terms of driving engagement.
Through this response, their custom-made articles were able to provide an uplift in knowledge about the brand and vehicle which in the end should lead to conversions. Overall, Readpeak performed well and the results are amongst the most extraordinary Dentsu and Voyah have seen so far through a programmatic perspective, with 40% better cost per engagement than competing campaigns in other platforms and media allocations.
The strategy
When entering a new market, it’s important to establish the brand as an industry leader and one of the best ways of succeeding is to create tons of educational content for the target audience. To give a boost when it comes to visibility, native advertising can be the most effective way to utilize the need for traffic, when you need to build awareness and knowledge fast towards your target audience.
Voyah utilized an educational landing page, which calculates how much NOK people will save if they order their electric car before January 2023, as by then, they still could get the VAT exemption. They wanted to create that sense of urgency to exploit both their privileged position with cars ready to be delivered from the store and the saving aspect of it before the new laws were officially launched in 2023.
Shortly, combining educational content with native advertising provides a fast and effective distribution in a new market.
The KPIs
- CPC (KPI and bid strategy)
- Scroll Depth 50% (secondary KPI and bid strategy from mid to end period)
- Reading time (important for reporting purposes and goes hand in glove with the main KPI, landing page quality and response to material)
After educating the audience about Voyah’s solution to their problems, in the second campaign the strategy was to showcase the social proof.
When entering a new market your potential customers will probably research your product reviews and customer stories, so once you have social proof to provide them, you want to give it as much visibility as possible.
The best way of doing it is to boost your social proof content in highly targeted media, and that’s exactly what Voyah did: they showed the whole buying journey of two Norwegian families who needed to consider many factors when it came to choose a new electric vehicle, keeping in mind mainly the children’s needs.

- Impressions: 1 463637
- Total clicks: 11138
- Average CTR: 0.76%
- Average CPC: 6.74 NOK (0.63€)
- Average time spent on site: 1:55
- Total conversions: 95% of users scrolled 50% of the article—outperforming other channels.
- Other acquisition channels: Native marketplace, social media, Google ads.
- Platform comparison: Readpeak delivered 40% lower cost per engagement and 7% better scroll depth than other channels.

- Impressions: 1 463637
- Total clicks: 11138
- Average CTR: 0.76%
- Average CPC: 6.74 NOK (0.63€)
- Average time spent on site: 1:55
- Total conversions: 95% of users scrolled 50% of the article—outperforming other channels.
- Other acquisition channels: Native marketplace, social media, Google ads.
- Platform comparison: Readpeak delivered 40% lower cost per engagement and 7% better scroll depth than other channels.
- Impressions: 1,752,470
- Total clicks: 17,503
- Average CTR: 1%
- Average CPC: 5.72 NOK (0.54€)
- Average time on site: 02:21
- Other channels: Native marketplace, social media, Google ads
- Total conversions: Readpeak outperformed other channels in scroll depth, with a focus on 75% read-through of articles.

- Impressions: 1,752,470
- Total clicks: 17,503
- Average CTR: 1%
- Average CPC: 5.72 NOK (0.54€)
- Average time on site: 02:21
- Other channels: Native marketplace, social media, Google ads
- Total conversions: Readpeak outperformed other channels in scroll depth, with a focus on 75% read-through of articles.
Succeeding their 2022 business goal
Throughout the campaigns periods, Voyah saw a significant increase in the footprint in their showrooms and on website visitors to voyah.no. The target audience once more noticed the message that Voyah wanted them to understand about the company through the distribution of their strategy, showcasing their social proof served from both the male and female perspective.
Last but not least, the most important thing that’s worth mentioning: The sales increased during the month of December – leading to the completion of Voyah’s business goal for 2022.
Readpeak delivered the best cost per engagement which was 50% less than the distribution in other channels and platforms. Through the second campaign period the scroll depth was 5% better than the other acquisition channels used, and overall, measuring both 50 and 75 percent scroll depth, during these two campaign periods, Readpeak delivered better results while providing quality readers.
During this period Dentsu did not alter the bid strategy towards the goal scroll depth, to be able to compare all channels properly against each other. This leaves room to assume that the scroll percent would’ve been higher if we had switched to use the same bidding strategy midway through the period like in the first campaign we ran.
The impact on Voyah’s overall objectives was noteworthy and made for impressive results achieved through the first campaign:
- 95% of readers has hit the scroll depth KPI, far surpassing engagement levels on other channels employed
- The Readpeak campaign generated 7% more engagement than other channels, delivering over 2000 more engaging users and significantly increasing the website’s presence in Norway.
The strategy for the second campaign was based on boosting Voyah’s social proof in highly targeted media. Also, in this case, the results achieved exceeded the expectations:
- Readpeak delivered superior results in scroll depth, reaching more than 75% read-throughs for articles. This demonstrated a marked superiority in performance over other channels employed.
- The campaign period saw a sales spike which led to the completion of Electric Way’s business goal for 2022, with the success being crucial for overall future growth.
- The Readpeak native campaign attracted overall 29,000 visitors, providing 1097 hours of total brand exposure into the new market.
- On average, these visitors spent 2:18 minutes per visit on the content.
A platform built for success
One of the key factors in choosing Readpeak was the simple and intuitive UX design. The platform is built for native KPIs which makes the advertising and reporting part seamless, a time-saving and effective system to run Native campaigns. There’s nothing better than a system that delivers a satisfying user experience in addition to making your life easier work-wise. It is basic math that you choose the better party when your alternatives lie between a general DSP that does not necessarily work with you effectively and another one that’s a perfect fit for the tasks ahead.
That certainly gives our customers great value since results are much easier to achieve and report on. It also really helped that Readpeak’s Norwegian support was service-minded and made it easy for Dentsu to both pitch in that first test and complete it.
In general, when running native ads through DSP’s made for a broad distribution of all types of inventories, the overall process is much more time consuming. It absolutely demands that you work more in depth with the campaigns with clearer thoughts and great experience about native advertising and KPIs to achieve results, that can’t really measure up to what Dentsu has seen is possible through Readpeak.
“One of the key factors choosing Readpeak was the simple and intuitive UX design they offer through their platform. Their platform is built for native KPIs which makes the advertising and reporting part seamless as well.”