Read latest blogs on native advertising and Readpeak
You know that creating great content and having a well-thought-out marketing strategy is essential to finding leads and making sales.
The trouble is that you could have the best content in the world but it’s pointless if no one sees it.
Buying traditional ads is expensive and the results can be unpredictable.
So what’s the answer? Create more content? Create better content? Well, yes…but really no.
The answer is: using native advertising in the news feeds of your target customer.
Native advertising is one of the hottest trends in marketing today.
So much so that spending is expected to grow 372% by 2025, creating a global market value of $402billion.
Are you wondering how you can use it as part of your marketing strategy?
Here are 5 reasons why our team of experts here at Readpeak thinks you need to be investing in native advertising this year:
Paying for advertising is only money well spent when a reader clicks on the advert and visits your website.
This is why when it comes to evaluating how well your campaign is working, you need to be keeping a close eye on the click-through rate.
If you have a high CTR, it generally means that your ad is engaging, relevant, and enticing enough that the reader wants to learn more about what you do.
With a native advertising campaign, you can expect to see CTRs that are up to 8 times higher than traditional advertising. This is a result of their in-feed placement and adaptable design.
No one likes an irritating pop-up ad that stops you from reading the content!
One benefit of having a higher CTR is the knock-on effect this has on the cost-per-click and cost-per-acquisition rates.
This is what makes native ads so much more cost-effective.
A higher CTR is only useful where you are targeting the right media for your ideal audience. Many marketers who pay for Google PPC advertising find they actually lose money by inadvertently attracting the wrong audience, but in Readpeak this doesn’t happen.
The targeted nature of native advertising means a higher CTR with the right audience.
This ultimately reduces further costs for cost-per-click and as a result, you get more for your money.
What’s the ultimate goal of your advertising?
The chances are that it is to drive more visitors to your website and generate more, better quality, leads.
How can native advertising help get you there?
The ads allow you to promote landing pages. As this is the first page a visitor usually sees, there will be a call-to-action asking them to do something.
The purpose? Collection of email information. For example, you may be asked to sign up to receive the newsletter or get your free download.
And there you have it…a lead.
Let’s look at Docrates as an example of how they use native advertising for lead acquisition.
Docrates Cancer Centre is a Finnish hospital, located in Ruoholahti, Helsinki, that specializes in the diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up care of cancer patients.
Docrates’ marketing team started using Readpeak’s native advertising tool in the beginning of 2017. Since then, the tool has been in continuous use for advertising content in different media.
The central focus in Docrates’ content marketing has been to raise awareness. The company is also increasingly looking for contacts in a measurable manner that can be optimized.
According to all conversion indicators, native advertising via Readpeak beats the traffic coming from Facebook. Even though the more affordable Facebook also received strong results in reading time, for example, conversions remained few compared to Readpeak.
Are you struggling to see the results of your social media ads campaign? You are not the only one!
Social media platforms are unpredictable as it feels like the algorithms change more quickly than you can keep up.
Businesses have suffered as a result of this, seeing the reach of their posts decreasing dramatically almost overnight.
As a result, it’s important to look for alternative ways to stand out and use multiple marketing streams.
Introducing native advertising to your marketing strategy gives you the best possible chance of succeeding in the digital space.
It takes the stress and uncertainty out of trying to understand what social media wants.
So long as you know your target audience and create great content, you’re already halfway to success with native ads!
Native advertising is a wonderful opportunity for building brand recognition.
Consumers are fed up with feeling like they are constantly bombarded by pushy display ads. So much, that they completely ignore them and continue browsing.
Marketing teams need to build adverts that naturally integrate into content without being offensive or intrusive to the user experience.
The ads need to be engaging enough to encourage the reader to click on them.
This is where native ads come into play. Their seamless incorporation into the content promotes a positive brand image.
It shows your target audience that you believe in your business enough to invest in it and that it’s safe for them to trust you.
Working on building this reputation will help your people to recognize you and what you do. This means that when they are ready to buy what you’re selling, you’ll be the first one they come to.
Are you still thinking about trying native advertising in 2022?
If you’ve been paying for traditional PPC advertising and it hasn’t been yielding you the results you deserve, switching to native ads could be the best decision you ever make for your business.
If you’d like some more information, take a look at some of the other articles we have on the topic to help you make the decision.
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